1977 - Deeds And Talks
Artister og band på bokstaven K.
1977 - Deeds And Talks
1978 - Kainos
1980 - Tolvte Time
1984 - Glass
1975 - Kaipa
1976 - Inget Nytt Under Solen
1978 - Solo
1980 - Händer
1982 - Nattdjurstid
1993 - Stockholm Symphonie (bootleg 1974)
2002 - Notes From The Past
2003 - Keyholder
2005 - Mindrevolutions
2005 - The Decca Years (BOX 5CD ltd)
2007 - Angling feelings
2010 - In The Wake Of Evolution
2012 - Vittjar
2007 - Night Sky Day Dream [ Henry Kaiser | Knut Reiersrud ]
2001 - Ompa Til Du Dør
2003 - Evig Pint
2004 - The Gypsy Finale (EP live)
2005 - Maestro EP (EP)
2005 - Maestro
2006 - Live At Vega (2CD live)
2008 - Maskineri
2008 - 250 Prosent (live)
2009 - Våre Demoner
2011 - Violeta, Violeta Volume I
2011 - Violeta, Violeta Volume II
2012 - Violeta, Violeta Volume III
1983 - White Feathers
1984 - Islands
1984 - Extra Play (aka Island) [ Kaja ]
1985 - Crazy Peoples Right To Speak [ Kaja ]
2008 - Gone To The Moon
2009 - BBC In Concert (live 1983)
1990 - Don't Panic
1993 - Resistance Is Useless
2010 - Turn to Flame
1985 - Kalenda Maya: Medieval And Renaissance Music
1989 - Norske Middelalderballader
1997 - Pilgrimsreiser
2004 - Spiral Dream
1995 - Eternity
1997 - Dominion
1998 - Siége Perilous
1999 - The Fourth Legacy
2000 - The Expedition (live)
2001 - Karma
2003 - Epica
2005 - The Black Halo
2006 - One Cold Winter's Night (2CD live)
2007 - Ghost Opera
2008 - Ghost Opera: The Second Coming (2CD G.O. re-release + live & new)
2010 - Poetry For The Poisoned
2012 - Silverthorn
1991 - Mistika Tragoudia (ΜΥΣΤΙΚΑ ΤΡΑΓΟΥΔΙΑ)
1992 - Tis Meras Ke Tis Nihtas (ΤΗΣ ΜΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΗΣ ΝΥΧΤΑΣ)
1995 - Aromata Anti Gia Nafthalini (ΑΡΩΜΑΤΑ ΑΝΤΙ ΓΙΑ ΝΑΦΘΑΛΙΝΗ)
1996 - Tis Agapis Gerakaris (ΤΗΣ ΑΓΑΠΗΣ ΓΕΡΑΚΑΡΗΣ)
1997 - Gennei Erotes (ΓΕΝΝΑΙΟΙ ΕΡΩΤΕΣ)
1998 - Lafira (ΛΑΦΥΡΑ)
2000 - Portrait (compilation)
2001 - Melina Kana (ΜΕΛΙΝΑ ΚΑΝΑ)
2003 - Ta Metaxota Tragoudia (ΤΑ ΜΕΤΑΞΩΤΑ ΤΡΑΓΟΥΔΙΑ) (compilation)
2003 - Feggei Alliotika (ΦΕΓΓΕΙ ΑΛΛΙΩΤΙΚΑ)
2003 - Tragoudia Gia Ti Melina (ΤΡΑΓΟΥΔΙΑ ΓΙΑ ΤΗ ΜΕΛΙΝΑ)
2004 - Juke Box (live)
2006 - Tis Kardias Ta Vimata (ΤΗΣ ΚΑΡΔΙΑΣ ΤΑ ΒΗΜΑΤΑ)
2008 - Parea Me Tous Filous Mou (ΠΑΡΕΑ ΜΕ ΤΟΥΣ ΦΙΛΟΥΣ ΜΟΥ)
2009 - Mono kokkino (ΜΟΝΟ ΚΟΚΚΙΝΟ)
1974 - Kansas
1974 - Song For America
1975 - Masque
1976 - Leftoverture
1977 - Point Of Know Return
1978 - Two For The Show (2CD live 1977-1978)
1979 - Monolith
1980 - Audio-Visions
1982 - Vinyl Confessions
1983 - Drastic Measures
1984 - The Best Of (compilation)
1986 - Power
1988 - In The Spirit Of Things
1992 - Live At The Whisky (live 1992)
1992 - Carry On (compilation)
1994 - The Kansas Box Set (BOX 2CD compilation)
1995 - Freaks Of Nature
1997 - Definitive Collection (2CD compilation)
1998 - Live: Dust In The Wind 'Live At The Whisky' (live 1992)
1998 - Always Never The Same [ w/ The London Symphonic Orchestra ] (re-recorded comp. + new)
1998 - King Biscuit Flower Hour Presents Kansas (live 1989)
1999 - The Best Of Kansas (compilation re-mastered)
2000 - Extended Versions 'King Biscuit Flower Hour' (live 1989)
2000 - Somewhere To Elsewhere
2001 - Dust In The Wind 'King Biscuit Flower Hour' (live 1989)
2002 - Device - Voice - Drum (2CD live 2002)
2002 - The Ultimate Kansas (2CD compilation)
2003 - Greatest Hits Live 'King Biscuit Flower Hour' (live 1989)
2004 - Sail On: The 30th Anniversary Collection 1974-2004 (2CD/DVD compilation)
2005 - On The Other Side 'Carry On' (compilation)
2006 - Works In Progress (CD/DVD compilation 1992-2002)
2007 - Discover Kansas (compilation)
2007 - Super Hits (compilation)
2008 - Playlist: The Very Best Of (compilation)
2008 - Dust In The Wind: Live Series (live)
2009 - There's Know Place Like Home [ w/ Washburn University Symphony Orchestra] (live)
2009 - Original Album Classics (BOX 5CD compilation)
2011 - The Classic Albums Collection 1974-1983 (BOX 11CD compilation)
2016 - The Prelude Implicit
2017 - Leftoverture Live & Beyond (2CD live 2017)
2020 - The Absence Of Presence
2021 - Point Of Know Return Live & Beyond (2CD live 2019)
2014 - No Tengas Miedo
2017 - Onírico
2021 - Historias Del Acantilado
2004 - Sphere
2006 - Kaleidoscope
2008 - Episodes
2012 - The First Day
1998 - A Winter In Summertime
2000 - Thirteen From The Twenty First
2000 - Land Of Ghosts (compilation)
2001 - Eve
2002 - Land Of Ghosts Volume 2 (compilation)
2002 - Equilibrium
2003 - Constellations
2004 - Voivode Dracula
2004 - Alternate History (compilation)
2006 - The Age Of Science & Enlightenment
2007 - The Last Of The Libertine
2009 - Weird Tales
2011 - New Worlds
2013 - Mondo Profondo
2015 - Strange Relations
2016 - Time And Stars
2017 - Infernal Spheres
2020 - Idols In The Flesh
2002 - Entering The Spectra
2004 - Wheel Of Life
2008 - Who's The Boss In The Factory?
2010 - The Power Of Two - Live USA [ Karmakanic & Agents Of Mercy ] (live)
2011 - In A Perfect World
1981 - Sõnum (EP)
1983 - Põletus
1993 - Dance Of December Souls
1996 - Brave Murder Day
1998 - Discouraged Ones
1999 - Tonight's Decision
2001 - Last Fair Deal Gone Down
2003 - Viva Emptiness
2004 - Brave Yester Days (2CD compilation)
2005 - The Black Sessions (2CD/DVD rarities + compilation)
2006 - The Great Cold Distance (CD/DVD)
2007 - Live Consternation (CD/DVD live 2006)
2009 - Night Is The New Day
2012 - Dead End Kings
2013 - Dethroned & Uncrowned
2014 - Last Fair Day Gone Night (2CD/2DVD live 2011)
2003 - Revival (1CD/2CD, ltd)
2004 - Slow-Burning
2007 - Say What You're Thinking
2010 - On The Road Again
1991 - Katmandü
2002 - Turn Of My Century
2004 - Imaginary Force
2008 - Noemon
2008 - Le Pop
2011 - A Kiss Before You Go
2012 - A Kiss Before You Go: Live In Hamburg (CD/DVD live 2011)
2015 - Rockland
2014 - Kaukasus I
1973 - See See The Sun
1974 - Kayak II
1975 - Royal Bed Bouncer
1976 - The Last Encore
1977 - Starlight Dancer
1978 - Phantom Of The Night
1980 - Periscope Life
1981 - Merlin
1981 - Eyewitness (live 1981)
2000 - Close To The Fire
2001 - Night Vision
2001 - Chance For A Live Time (2CD live 2000)
2003 - Merlin: Bard Of The Unseen
2005 - Nostradamus: The Fate Of Man (2CD)
2007 - Kayakoustic (live 2006-2007)
2008 - Coming Up For Air
2009 - Letters From Utopia (2CD)
2011 - Anywhere But Here
1994 - Oczekiwanie
1998 - Machines And Dreams
2001 - Synesthesis
2007 - Where Abandoned Pelicans Die
2015 - Transmundane
2000 - Lost And Found
2003 - Four Corner's Sky
2004 - Live 2004 (live)
2007 - Proof Of Concept
1974 - What A Day
1976 - Love Broke Thru
1977 - Emerging
1978 - The Master & The Musician
1980 - Ph'lip Side
1981 - Town To Town
1982 - Play Thru Me
1983 - Underground: Private Collection Volume 1 (rarities)
1985 - Getting Closer
1986 - Way Back Home
1987 - Prime Cuts (compilation 1981-1985)
1987 - The Wind And The Wheat
1988 - Sunday's Child
1989 - Back Room Trax Volume 1 (rarities)
1989 - Back Room Trax Volume 2 (rarities)
1989 - The Best Of (compilation 1974-1978)
1991 - Find Me In These Fields
1991 - Back Room Trax Volume 3 (rarities)
1991 - Beyond Nature
1992 - Back Room Trax Volume 4 (rarities)
1993 - Back Room Trax Volume 5 (rarities)
1993 - Revelator (EP)
1993 - Crimson And Blue
1994 - Back Room Trax Volume 6 (rarities)
1994 - Blue (Crimson And Blue, remixes)
1994 - Way Back Home (re-recorded)
1995 - True Believer
1995 - Time: Volume 1 (compilation 1971-1995)
1995 - Time: Volume 2 (compilation 1967-1993)
1996 - Acoustic Sketches
1996 - 220
1997 - On The Fly
1997 - Invention [ w/ Wes King & Scott Dente ]
1998 - A Christmas Gift (aka: An Angel's Christmas, - 1st track) (Christmas album)
1998 - Phil Keaggy
1999 - Premium Jams (2CD)
1999 - Majesty & Wonder: An Instrumental Christmas (Christmas album)
1999 - Music To Paint By: Brushstrokes
1999 - Music To Paint By: Splash
1999 - Music To Paint By: Electric Blue
1999 - Music To Paint By: Still Life
1999 - An Angel's Christmas (aka: A Christmas Gift, - 5th & 12th track) (Christmas album)
2000 - Re-Emerging (Emerging reissue + new bonus)
2000 - Inseparable (2CD)
2000 - Zion
2000 - Inseparable (1CD compilation)
2000 - Lights Of Madrid
2000 - Uncle Duke
2001 - What Matters (compilation)
2001 - Cinemascapes (compilation 1999)
2001 - In The Quiet Hours (compilation 1999)
2002 - Hymnsongs
2003 - History Makers (compilation 1980-1997)
2003 - Freehand: Acoustic Sketches 2
2003 - Special Occasions
2004 - It's Personal
2005 - The Uncle Duke Project (2CD Uncle Duke expanded)
2005 - Together Live [ w/ Randy Stonehill ] (live 2005)
2006 - Jammed (Premium Jams remixed + bonus)
2006 - Roundabout
2006 - Two Of Us [ w/ Mike Pachelli ]
2006 - Dream Again
2007 - Acoustic Cafe
2007 - The Song Within
2007 - The Master And The Musician: 30th Anniversary Edition (2CD remastered + bonus)
2008 - Phantasmagorical: Master & Musician 2
2009 - Mystery Highway [ w/ Randy Stonehill ]
2009 - Frio Suite [ w/ Jeff Johnson ]
2009 - Welcome Inn: A Phil Keaggy Christmas (christmas album)
2010 - Interdimensional Traveler
2011 - Live From Kegworth Studio
2004 - Hopes And Fears
2006 - Under The Iron Sea
2006 - Live 06 (2CD live 2006 ltd)
2008 - Perfect Symmetry
2012 - Strangeland
1971 - Resa Mot Okänt Mål
1973 - Kebnekaise II
1975 - Kebnekaise III
1976 - Ljus Från Afrika
1977 - Elefanten
1978 - Vi Drar Vidare
1993 - Electric Mountain (compilation)
2004 - Tantogården 'Live Tanto 14-02-04' (2CD live 2004)
2005 - Kebnekaise På Grand (2CD live 2004)
2009 - Kebnekajse
2011 - Idioten
2012 - Aventure
1989 - Waiting In The Wings
1990 - Curveball
1991 - Here And Now
1992 - World Music
1993 - Other Spheres
1997 - Turn Up The Quiet
2000 - Zero One
2003 - Sublime
2003 - Falling Up
1992 - Hat.
1994 - Boil That Dust Speck
1996 - Half Alive In Hollywood [ Mike Keneally & Beer For Dolphins ] (2CD studio / live 1996)
1997 - The Tar Tapes Vol. 1 (rarities)
1997 - Sluggo! [ Mike Keneally & Beer For Dolphins ]
1998 - The Tar Tapes Vol. 2 (rarities)
1999 - Nonkertompf
2000 - Dancing With Myself [ Mike Keneally & Beer For Dolphins ] (live 2000)
2000 - Dancing [ Mike Keneally & Beer For Dolphins ]
2001 - Wooden Smoke Asleep (remixes)
2001 - Wooden Smoke
2004 - The Universe Will Provide [ Mike Keneally & The Metropole Orkest ]
2004 - Vai Piano Reductions Vol. 1
2004 - Dog [ The Mike Keneally Band ]
2006 - Guitar Therapy Live [ The Mike Keneally Band ] (live 2005)
2008 - Wine And Pickles (rarities 1998-2006)
2009 - Scambot 1
2010 - Evidence Of Humanity [ Mike Keneally | Marco Minnemann ]
2011 - Bakin' @ The Potato! [ Mike Keneally | Marco Minnemann ] (CD/DVD live 2010)
2012 - Wing Beat Fantastic: Songs Written By Mike Keneally & Andy Partridge
2013 - Wing Beat Elastic: Remixes, Demos and Unheard Music (rarities)
2013 - You Must Be This Tall
1980 - Kenso
1982 - Kenso II
1985 - Kenso III
1986 - In concert: Music For Unknown Five Musicians (2CD live)
1987 - Self Portrait (compilation)
1989 - Sparta
1991 - Yume No Oka: Dream Hill
1993 - Live '92 (live 1992)
1994 - Early Live Volume 1: Sora Ni Hikaru (live 1983)
1995 - Early Live Volume 2: Inei No Fue (live 1979-1989)
1996 - Zaiya Live (live)
1998 - In The West (live)
1999 - Esoptron
2000 - 76/77 (rarities)
2001 - Ken-Son-Gu-Su: 25th Anniversary In Concert (live)
2002 - Fabulis Mirabilibus De Bombycosi Scriptis
2005 - Chilling Heat: Live In Tokyo (live 2004)
2006 - Utsuroi Yuku Mono
2009 - Sparta Naked (Sparta re-recorded)
1980 - Kerrs Pink
1981 - Mellom Oss
1993 - A Journey On The Inside
1997 - Art Of Complex Simplicity
2002 - Tidings
2014 - New World
2015 - New World (Deluxe Edition) (2CD)
1975 - Kestrel
1978 - Fit Me In
1972 - Space Shanty
1976 - Sometime Other Than Now
1977 - Two For The Road [ w/ Larry Coryell ] (live 1975-1976)
1977 - Tightrope
1978 - Alivemutherforya [ Billy Cobham | Steve Khan | Alphonso Johnson | Tom Scott] (live 1977)
1978 - The Blue Man
1979 - Arrows
1980 - The Best Of (aka: The Collection) (compilation)
1981 - Evidence
1982 - Modern Times (aka: Blades) (live 1982)
1983 - Casa Loco
1987 - Helping Hand (compilation)
1987 - Local Color [ w/ Rob Mounsey ]
1990 - Public Access
1991 - Let's Call This
1992 - Headline
1994 - Crossings
1997 - Got My Mental
1998 - You Are Here [ w/ Rob Mounsey ]
1999 - New Horizons
2005 - The Green Field
2007 - Borrowed Time
2008 - The Suitcase: Live In Köln '94 (2CD live 1994)
2011 - Parting Shot
1999 - Piano Works
2000 - Killswitch Engage
2002 - Alive Or Just Breathing
2004 - The End Of Heartache
2006 - As Daylight Dies
2009 - Killswitch Engage
2009 - Powered By Light
1969 - In The Court Of The Crimson King
1970 - In The Wake Of Poseidon
1970 - Lizard
1971 - Islands
1972 - Earthbound (live 1972)
1973 - Larks' Tongues In Aspic
1974 - Starless And Bible Black
1974 - Red
1975 - USA (live 1974)
1981 - Discipline
1982 - Beat
1984 - Three Of A Perfect Pair
1992 - The Great Deceiver: Live 1973-1974 (BOX 4CD live 1973-1974)
1994 - VROOOM (EP)
1995 - THRAK
1995 - B'BOOM Official Bootleg: Live In Argentina (2CD live 1994)
1996 - THRaKaTTaK (live 1995)
1997 - Epitaph (4CD live 1969)
1997 - The Night Watch (2CD live 1973)
1998 - Absent Lovers: Live In Montreal 1984 (2CD live 1984)
1998 - ProjeKct Two: Space Groove (2CD)
1999 - Cirkus: A Young Persons' Guide To King Crimson (2CD live 1969-1998)
1999 - The ProjeKcts (BOX 4CD live 1997-1999)
1999 - Deception Of The Thrush: A Beginners' Guide To ProjeKcts (live 1997-1999)
2000 - The ConstruKction Of Light
2000 - ProjeKct X: Heaven And Earth (rarities)
2000 - Heavy ConstruKction (3CD live 2000)
2001 - VROOOM VROOOM (2CD live 1995-1997)
2001 - Level Five (live 2001)
2002 - Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With (EP)
2002 - Ladies Of The Road (2CD live 1971-1972)
2003 - The Power To Believe
2003 - EleKtrik (live 2003)
1986 - Fatal Portrait
1987 - Abigail
1988 - Them
1989 - The Dark Sides (EP)
1989 - Conspiracy
1990 - The Eye
1990 - In Concert '87: Abigail (live)
1995 - The Spider's Lullabye
1996 - The Graveyard
1998 - Voodoo
1999 - Collector's Item (EP)
2000 - House Of God
2001 - Nightmares In The Nineties (compilation)
2001 - King Diamond & Black Rose 20 Years Ago: A Night Of Rehearsal (compilation)
2001 - Decade Of Horror (BOX 4CD)
2002 - Abigail II: The Revenge
2003 - The Best Of (compilation)
2003 - The Puppet Master
2004 - Platinum Edition (BOX 3CD)
2004 - Deadly Lullabyes Live (2CD live)
2007 - Give Me Your Soul... Please
1988 - Out Of The Silent Planet
1989 - Gretchen Goes To Nebraska
1990 - Faith, Hope, Love By King's X
1992 - King's X
1994 - Dogman
1996 - Ear Candy
1997 - Best Of (compilation)
1998 - Tape Head
2000 - Please Come Home... Mr. Bulbous
2001 - Manic Moonlight
2003 - Black Like Sunday
2004 - Live All Over The Place (2CD live)
2005 - Ogre Tones
2007 - Live & Live Some More: Dallas 94 (2CD live 1994)
2008 - XV
2009 - The Bigger Picture (rarities)
2009 - Tales From The Empire: Cleveland 6.26.92 (2CD live 1992)
2010 - Live Love In London (2CD live)
2012 - Burning Down Boston: Live At The Channel 6.12.91 (live 1991)
1993 - Blues [ Bill Kinnear | Carlos Del Junco ]
2006 - Kinesthetics
1994 - Romantic
2000 - Love Letters
2000 - Song For Sonny
2000 - Romantics Of Jazz [ Oleg Kireyev | Alexander Vinitsky ]
2002 - A British Concert [ Oleg Kireyev & Keith Bill Trio ] (live 2002)
2002 - Tea Art
2006 - Galaxy
2007 - Eurasia
2008 - Mandala
2010 - Rhyme & Reason [ Oleg Kireyev | Keith Javors ]
1974 - KISS
1974 - Hotter Than Hell
1975 - Dressed To Kill
1975 - Alive! (live 1975)
1976 - Destroyer
1976 - Rock And Roll Over
1977 - Love Gun
1977 - Alive II (live 1977)
1978 - Double Platinum (compilation)
1979 - Dynasty
1980 - Unmasked
1981 - Music From The Elder
1982 - Killers (compilation)
1982 - Creatures Of The Night
1983 - Lick It Up
1984 - Animalize
1985 - Asylum
1987 - Crazy Nights
1988 - Smashes, Thrashes & Hits (compilation)
1989 - Hot In The Shade
1992 - Revenge
1993 - Alive III (live 1992)
1996 - MTV Unplugged (live 1995)
1996 - You Wanted The Best, You Got The Best!! (live 1975-1996)
1996 - Greatest KISS (compilation)
1997 - Greatest Hits (compilation)
1997 - Carnival Of Souls: The Final Sessions
1998 - Psycho Circus
2001 - Box Set (BOX 5CD compilation)
2002 - The Very Best Of (compilation)
2003 - KISS Symphony: Alive IV (2CD live 2003)
2003 - The Millenium Collection: The Best Of (compilation)
2004 - The Millenium Collection: The Best Of Volume 2 (compilation)
2005 - Gold (2CD compilation)
2006 - The Millenium Collection: The Best Of Volume 3 (compilation)
2006 - Alive! Box Set (BOX 4CD live 1975-2000)
2008 - The Best Of (compilation)
2008 - Playlist Plus (3CD compilation)
2008 - Playlist Your Way (compilation)
2008 - Jigoku-Retsuden (aka: Kissology) (re-recordings)
2008 - Ikons (4CD compilation)
2009 - Best Of (compilation)
2009 - Legends Of Rock (compilation)
2009 - Sonic Boom
2010 - Icon (compilation)
2012 - Monster
2012 - The Casablanca Singles 1974-1982 (BOX 29 SINGLE)
1976 - Benzaiten
1977 - Osamu
1978 - Masterless Samurai
1979 - Dragon King
1981 - Face To Face
1985 - The Source
1985 - FM Shrine
1986 - In Minds Way
1987 - Passages (compilation)
1988 - California Roll (aka: Silky Age)
1989 - Sweet Chaos
1993 - Behind The Light
1993 - Mandala (soundtrack)
1996 - Beyond The Circle
2001 - Breath Of Jade
2004 - Two Bridges Crossing [ w/ Chris Mancinelli ]
2004 - The Sound Of Angel
2007 - The Sacred Land (soundtrack)
2009 - Epitome
1978 - Ten Kai / Astral Voyage
1979 - From The Full Moon Story 'Daichi'
1979 - Oasis
1980 - Silk Road I+II
1980 - In Person
1980 - Silk Road Suite
1981 - Tunhuang / Tonkou
1981 - The World Of Kitaro (compilation)
1981 - Ki
1981 - Best Of Kitaro (compilation)
1982 - 'Queen' Millennia
1982 - Live In Budokan
1983 - Tenjiku / India
1983 - Silver Cloud
1984 - Live In Asia / Asia Tour Super Live
1986 - Towards The West
1986 - Tenku
1987 - The Light Of The Spirit
1988 - Ten Years
1989 - The Gyuto Monks
1990 - Kojiki
1990 - Selections From Kojiki
1991 - Live In America
1991 - Shanghai 1920
1992 - Dream [ w/ Jon Anderson ]
1992 - Lady Of Dreams
1993 - Heaven & Earth
1994 - Mandala
1994 - Tokusen II
1995 - An Enchanted Evening
1996 - Peace On Earth
1996 - Kitaro's World Of Music
1996 - Yu-Xiao Guang
1996 - Nawang Khechong
1997 - Cirque Ingenieux
1997 - The Soong Sisters
1998 - Gaia 'Onbashira'
1998 - Healing Forest
1999 - Noah's Ark
1999 - Thinking Of You
1999 - Shikoku Eighty-Eight Temples
1999 - Best Of Kitaro 2
2000 - Hahanaru-Taiga
2000 - Ancient
2001 - An Ancient Journey
2002 - Asian Cafe
2002 - Mizu-Ni-Inorite
2002 - Daylight, Moonlight 'Live In Yakushiji'
2003 - Best Of Silk Road
2003 - Sacred Journey Of Ku-kai
2004 - Thinking Of You (CD + DVD)
2004 - Twelve O'Clock Tales [ Hilde Marie Kjersem | Jon Eberson ]
2004 - Red Shoes Diary [ Hilde Marie Kjersem TUB Quartet ]
2008 - A Killer For That Ache
2011 - Let's Let Go
2013 - If We Make It To The Future
1976 - 3:47 E.S.T. (aka: Klaatu)
1977 - Hope
1978 - Sir Army Suit
1980 - Endangered Species
1981 - Magentalane
1982 - Klaasic Klaatu (compilation)
1993 - Peaks (compilation)
2005 - Sun Set: 1973-1981 (2CD rarities)
2007 - Raarities (rarities)
2009 - Solology (rarities + live 2005)
1970 - Klan (EP)
1971 - Mrowisko
1992 - Po Co Mi Ten Raj
2001 - Mrowisko + EP Klan
1975 - Klara Express
2000 - Den Signede Dag [ Iver Kleive | Povl Dissing | Knut Reiersrud ]
1996 - Himmelskip [ Iver Kleive | Knut Reiersrud ]
2002 - Wendel
2005 - Live Volume One (live 2005)
2005 - Kneebody
2007 - Low Electrical Worker
2008 - Live Volume Two: Italy (live)
2008 - Twelve Songs By Charles Ives [ w/ Theo Bleckmann ]
2010 - You Can Have Your Moment
2012 - Live Volume Three: Paris (live)
2013 - The Line
2010 - Mazurka For A Modern Man
2011 - The Voice Of Silence
2003 - Some Kind Of Wonderful
2005 - Live The Life
1994 - Hundred Sights Of Koenji
1997 - Viva Koenji! (aka: 2)
2001 - Nivraym
2005 - Angherr Shisspa
1982 - More Than A Feelin'
1984 - Celebration
1986 - Frontline
1989 - Koinonia
1989 - Compact Favorites (compilation)
1992 - Pilgrim's Progression: The Best Of (compilation)
2010 - All The Best (BOX 4CD/2DVD live 1983-1984)
Oversettelse fra gresk gir ofte mange alternativer. ΕΛΛΗ ΚΟΚΚΙΝΟΥ kan eksempelvis skrives som: Elli Kokkinou / Ellh Kokkinoy
1999 - Epikindyna Paihnidia (ΕΠΙΚΙΝΔΥΝΑ ΠΑΙΧΝΙΔΙΑ)
2000 - Andriki Kolonia (ΑΝΤΡΙΚΗ ΚΟΛΩΝΙΑ)
2003 - Sto Kokkino (ΣΤΟ ΚΟΚΚΙΝΟ)
2003 - Paradinomai (ΠΑΡΑΔΙΝΟΜΑΙ) (compilation)
2005 - Sex
2006 - Ki Allo (ΚΙ ΑΛΛΟ) (CD/DVD 4th album + 4 bonus)
2007 - Eilikrina (ΕΙΛΙΚΡΙΝΑ)
2011 - Ta Genethlia Mou (ΤΑ ΓΕΝΕΘΛΙΑ ΜΟΥ)
1999 - The Big Blast
2001 - Cookin' Out
1977 - Kong Lavring
1978 - Den 2den
1975 - Kornet
1977 - Fritt Fall
1979 - Kornet III
1972 - Korni Grupa
1974 - Not An Ordinary Life [ Kornelyans ]
1975 - Mrtvo More
1979 - 1941 (soundtrack)
1995 - Prvo Svetlo Neobicnog Života (compilation + rarities)
2001 - Kolekcija Singlova (compilation singles)
2005 - Ne Tako Obican Život: I Posle Trideset Godina (3CD compilation)
2009 - The Ultimate Collection (2CD compilation)
2000 - Structures
2001 - Mysticae Visiones
2003 - Fragments Of Light
2006 - Omphalos
2009 - Ouroboros
2012 - Concerto For Piano And Electric Ensemble
2002 - Waiting For The Dawn
2004 - Coldness
2007 - Serenity
1989 - Richie Kotzen
1990 - Fever Dream
1991 - Electric Joy
1994 - Mother Head's Family Reunion
1995 - The Inner Galactic Fusion Experience
1995 - Tilt [ w/ Greg Howe ]
1996 - Wave Of Emotion
1997 - Project [ w/ Greg Howe ]
1997 - Something To Say
1998 - What Is
1999 - Break It All Down
1999 - Bi-Polar Blues
2001 - Slow
2003 - Change
2003 - Acoustic Cuts
2004 - Get Up
2004 - The Best Of (compilation 1994-2004)
2006 - Instrumental Collection: The Shrapnel Years (compilation 1989-2003)
2006 - Ai Senshi ZxR
2006 - Into The Black
2007 - Go Faster (aka: Return Of The Mother Head's Family Reunion)
2008 - Live In Sao Paulo (live 2007)
2009 - Peace Sign
2011 - 24 Hours
2001 - Nostradamus (2CD)
1972 - Kraan
1973 - Wintrup
1974 - Andy Nogger
1975 - Live (live 1974)
1975 - Let It Out
1977 - Wiederhören
1977 - Starportrait (2CD compilation)
1978 - Flyday
1980 - Tournee (live 1979)
1982 - Nachtfahrt
1983 - 2 Schallplatten (2CD compilation)
1983 - X (EP)
1988 - Live 88 (live 1987)
1989 - Dancing In The Shade
1991 - Soul Of Stone
1998 - The Famous Years Compiled (compilation)
2001 - Live 2001 (live 2000)
2001 - Berliner Ring And Other Exotic & Unreleased 80ies Material (rarities)
2003 - Through
2007 - Psychedelic man
2010 - Diamonds
1993 - Stepping Out
1995 - Only Trust Your Heart
1996 - All For You: A Dedication To The Nat King Cole Trio
1997 - Love Scenes
1999 - When I Look In Your Eyes
2001 - The Look Of Love
2002 - Live In Paris (live 2001)
2004 - The Girl In The Other Room
2005 - Christmas Songs (Christmas album)
2006 - From This Moment On
2007 - The Very Best Of (compilation)
2009 - Quiet Nights
2012 - Glad Rag Doll
1987 - Too Late To Cry
1989 - Two Highways [ Alison Krauss & Union Station ]
1990 - I've Got That Old Feeling
1992 - Every Time You Say Goodbye [ Alison Krauss & Union Station ]
1994 - I Know Who Holds Tomorrow [ Alison Krauss & The Cox Family ]
1995 - Now That I've Found You: A collection (compilation)
1997 - So Long So Wrong [ Alison Krauss & Union Station ]
1999 - Forget About It
2001 - New Favorite [ Alison Krauss & Union Station ]
2002 - Live [ Alison Krauss & Union Station ] (2CD live 2002)
2004 - Lonely Runs Both Ways [ Alison Krauss & Union Station ]
2007 - A Hundred Miles Or More: A collection (compilation)
2009 - Essential (compilation)
2011 - Paper Airplane [ Alison Krauss & Union Station ]
1996 - K
1997 - Summer Sun (EP)
1999 - Peasants, Pigs & Astronauts
2002 - Kollected: The Best Of (compilation)
2005 - Freedom Lovin' People (EP)
2006 - Revenge Of King (EP)
2007 - Tattva: The Very Best Of (2CD compilation)
2007 - Strangefolk
2010 - Pilgrims Progress
1981 - Barndomens Stigar
1973 - Kattvals
2001 - Kvazar
2005 - A Giant's Lullaby
1968 - Nature Boy
1969 - Spotlight
1970 - Somebody's Taken Maria Away [ w/ Mick & Maniacs ]
1971 - Tommy
1971 - Tommy Körberg
1973 - Sjunger Birger Sjöberg
1975 - Don't Get Around Much Anymore [ w/ Rolf Ericson ] (live)
1979 - Den Vackraste Visan
1979 - Blixtlås [ w/ Stefan Nilsson ]
1982 - Tolkar Jacques Brel [ w/ Stefan Nilsson ]
1985 - Walk Between The Raindrops [ w/ Tolvan Big Band ]
1988 - Spotlight
1988 - Är
1989 - Julen Är Här
1990 - Livslevande (live 1990)
1993 - Jag Skulle Vilja Våga Tro
1993 - Live In London [ w/ Tolvan Big Band ] (live)
1994 - Ravaillac: Sjunger Bo Nilsson
1996 - Evergreens [ w/ Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra ]
1999 - Sånger För Ensamma Älskare (live 1990)
2000 - Hits (compilation)
2000 - Stilla Natt [ w/ Oslo Gospel Choir ]
2003 - Gränslös: Det Bästa Med (2CD compilation)
2007 - Rakt Upp Och Ner [ w/ Sveriges Radios Symfoniorkester ] (CD/DVD)
2010 - Songs For Drinkers And Other Thinkers